Project Manager - Bricks and Mortals (Remote)

Full Time, remote, with healthcare benefits and 401k contribution


Bricks and Mortals, is a non-proft, interfaith, membership organization. Our core purpose is to ensure that faith-based organizations have the knowledge, connections, access to resources and experts, and advocacy they need in order to: manage their real properties in service of their missions and communities; understand and address new realities that affect faith communities and their real estate; build resilience; and take charge of their own destinies and legacies. 

Bricks and Mortals’ work is critical for meeting this moment of existential crisis for faith-based organizations and communities. Proactive, collaborative, faith community-driven, interfaith, unbiased efforts like those of the Bricks and Mortals community and organization are crucial for the faith community to meet this moment. 

We are seeking a Project Manager, the first full time staff member to join the Executive Director, to join the team to develop and distribute resources to empower faith-based organizations in NYC to optimize the ways their buildings and property serve their communities, provide faith-based organizations with the knowledge, connections, access to resources and experts, and advocacy they need in order to make informed decisions about their real properties and legacies, and develop and implement an outreach plan to identify, attract, and engage new members.

The following are the goals over the next year for this position. These will be developed in collaboration with a team, with the Project Manager taking the lead:


  • Developing, piloting and launch an Annual Wellness Check for Faith Based Organizations

  • This assessment will allow FBOs to track property condition and needs, desires and needs of faith-owned communities, and suggest next steps or options based on results; as well as create a longitudinal data of the condition of faith properties.

  • Conduct focus groups with Bricks and Mortals faith and general members to elicit feedback and develop the Annual Wellness Check.

  • Evaluate Annual Wellness Check. 

  • Create a Member Directory of our General members (e.g. real estate industry professionals) that will include members specialties, areas of focus, specific offering, and references in the faith community

  • Membership meetings

  • Develop content for meetings that includes a Case Study and at least one Resource for each meeting. Case studies should vary throughout the year on the type of usage of faith-owned property.

  • Dissemination of full recording of meetings, and materials from all presenters to all members.

  • Promote membership topics to non-members to make the community aware of available resources.

  • Plan first biennial Conference on faith-owned real estate to be held in fall 2025

  • Identify panelists, topics, break-out groups, and areas of need and interest for participants

  • Promote conference, and assist with identifying and soliciting sponsors

  • Create and update one-page info sheets and tools on key topics of use for faith-based organizations.


As the description above demonstrates, this position draws on skills and experience in research, communications, community engagement, marketing, event planning and management. We are committed to working with and training anyone brought on. The attributes crucial to success in this position are ability to work remotely and self motivate, emotional awareness, excellent communication skills, and ability to balance, organize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field; Master’s degree in a related field is preferred

  • Exemplary organizational skills, proven ability to work and collaborate remotely, and balance competing projects

  • Knowledge of faith communities, vulnerable and marginalized communities, real estate, and/or affordable housing, particularly in the NYC context 

  • Background that includes a mix of research, community engagement, and event organizing. Experience in a startup and/or small team environment is preferred. This will involve creating or finalizing systems for organizational success. 

  • Track record of authoring research-based publications, hosting successful events, and facilitating community engagement and/or marketing

  • Creative and interdisciplinary thinking is a must

  • Ability to thrive in a small team, remotely and self-directed

Please submit a cover letter describing your interest and resume to with the subject "Project Manager Application: [First Name, Last Name]"

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Full Time, remote, with healthcare benefits and 401k contribution.

Applicants should be based in the tri-state area, and travel to NYC will be expected.

To view this job and apply, click here.


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